Wanted: Spirit Week Sister-Wife

I am not that mom. You know the one. Remembers permission slips, has Spirit Week outfits coordinated and laid out, and has the wherewithal to plan children’s birthday parties. To be clear, I’m not hatin’ on “that mom” at all. I want her to be my BFF and sister-wife to “that mom” so that we can conquer shit together. I’m taking applications now, but I digress.

In the Before Time (pre Rona), I relied on my in-laws for a lot of help. My husband works 10 hour shifts, 45 minutes away so I didn’t have any help wrangling the Tiny Tenants. We recently moved closer to my in-laws in order to receive more help with the kids.. They helped with drop offs/pickups and filled in when I can't make an event smack dab in the middle of my work day. It was/is legit. 

Asking for help is one of the ways I "have it all." Anyway, a few months ago MIL threw her back out so I was on my own for the madness of getting two toddlers fed, clothed, teeth brushed, dressed and out the door. We arrived at school on time (what?!) 

I was officially feeling myself and then I noticed two little girls in cheerleading outfits. I scan the sea of little people and many of them are clad in sports attire. Oh shit it's spirit week. It had been going on for two days.

NBD. I felt mom guilt trying to slide in, and I mentally punched it. Mom guilt isn't invited to spirit week or into my life.

I dropped the ball that week of additional mental labor added to an already full plate. Blowing money and time on spirit week is not apart of my definition of having it all. So I KonMari it TF out of my life. I'm still crushing this working mom gig and so are you.

Are you that mom or team hanging on by a thread? Either way we are cheering you on, because that’s who we are.


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